What we do
We are experts in green and blended finance, climate and environmental governance, and sustainable development
Globalfields provides consulting, advisory and training services for private and public companies, governments and individuals worldwide in support of their collective efforts towards ‘green’ economic growth and sustainable business development. We delivery strategies, technical assistance, capacity building, impact reporting and overall integrated solutions that contribute to the scaling up of green and sustainable finance for all clients.
We work at the intersection of climate and finance. The team at Globalfields has established international expertise at senior level in climate and environmental finance, governance, environmental law, fund structuring, green business advisory, benchmarking (such as for Environmental, Social and Governance reporting), climate finance tracking and indexing along the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Globalfields' work has solid foundations in climate science, climate governance and international environmental law. Through its services, Globalfields strives to deliver transformational outcomes in order to bring about significant and consistent change in the way both institutions and individuals tackle climate change and environmental degradation.

Green, sustainable and development finance
Our work in green and development finance encompasses a wide range of advisory assignments in the areas of strategy setting, programme and project development, benchmarking, designing and appraising climate finance and climate policy frameworks, environmental, conservation finance, and development finance. We support companies to track both the direct and indirect benefits of climate action and for the implementation of sustainable development goals.
Globalfields has unique expertise and insight into developing successful proposals for multilateral climate finance instruments, most importantly with the Green Climate Fund. Globalfields staff members have led the development of proposals worth over USD 2.5 billion in co-financing from the Green Climate Fund, the Climate Investment Funds and the Global Environment Facility. Furthermore, Globalfields staff has worked on assessing proposals and developing policies for several bilateral and multilateral funds, both on the public and private sector side. This gives Globalfields a unique perspective and ability to shape project proposals in a way that responds to the requirements and targets set by the client.

MRVs, climate and environmental procedural compliance
Globalfields supports companies in designing and implementing processes and frameworks to enable the monitoring of projects or programmes, evaluations, reporting and technical verifications. The frameworks include building corporate green taxonomies and implementation MRVs (monitoring, reporting and verification); impact, ESG and sustainability reporting; design and implementation of requirements under social and environmental impact assessments; and voluntary and mandatory alignment with national and international procedural environmental law.
Financial governance and institutional support
Globalfields supports public and private sector companies, investors in equity funds, special purpose vehicles and fund management platforms in accessing private and public resources through the structuring of the legal, institutional and governance set-up in organisations, aimed at enhancing access to private and public resources. Typically, we advise on financial, social and environmental due diligence, financial and non-financial policies, plausibility checks, scenario analyses, upgrades in fiduciary standards, modelling processes and costs.
Globalfields has also been active in research and advocacy in nature rights, nature-based solutions, governance of natural resources, climate regime and policy, and environmental governance. Our experience is particularly strong in Africa, the Middle East, South East Asia and the Pacific Islands.
With its extensive experience in working with governments and donors, Globalfields also advises on the strategic use of blended finance in order to structure traditional and innovative instruments and to mobilise additional resources towards climate action and sustainable development. We support fund-raising, resource mobilisation, and the structuring of dedicated blended instruments such as concessional debt, guarantees and local currency buffers.

Climate governance and policy dialogue
Globalfields provides advisory support for governments and institutions to implement strategies and roadmaps in green finance, blended finance, climate policy, financial policy, climate and environmental governance, governance and ESG corporate due diligence. This area of work seeks to align legislation and regulation with countries’ climate targets, to seek alignment with the three Rio Conventions, to enhance the technical and institutional capacity of organisations through climate finance readiness and institutional support, and through bespoke strategy-setting to private sector financial institutions.
Policy dialogue assignments by Globalfields have recently included support to governments for their updated Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) and the National Adaptation Plans (NAPs); corporate due diligence aligned with ESG and CSR standards on supply chains; research in nature-based solutions and nature's rights, as well as support to international organisations with recommendations on governance and institutional reforms to strengthen the enabling environment in urban sustainability, industrial energy efficiency, low-carbon agriculture and in contract farming.

Investment practice
Globalfields is committed to investing resources in initiatives, projects and platforms with viable financial and technical credentials, and targeted at maximizing emission reductions, and energy savings while also combating environmental degradation and socio-economic externalities. This would typically include investments and activities in clean energy generation, nature-based solutions, system integration support, afforestation programmes, circular economy, and cradle-to-grave designs and technologies.
Globalfields has so far invested in corporate bonds and equity for small-scale hydropower generation and in several solar installations in industry and agriculture, in the United Kingdom, Ghana, Kenya, Vietnam, Thailand and Costa Rica. We have also provided sponsorships and grant support for activities aligned with the ethos and mandate of the company, such as in the sustainability of sports and of new materials.

Training programmes
Globalfields is working with training providers and banks for the preparation and delivery of bespoke training programmes on green finance, green banking, impact investing, SDG and ESG indexing. These trainings can be delivered both online and in-person, in group settings or as one-to-one. Globalfields has so far provided a large number of training events for banks in Europe and Asia.
Globalfields also works with individuals and small teams to build ‘green’ leadership skills and 'sustainable' credentials through personalised coaching frameworks and transformational leadership programmes. Content-based programmes are developed based on a need assessment carried out with the organisation or with the interested parties. In addition, Globalfields provides pro-bono presentations to schools and universities upon request.
Working with the public and private sectors
Globalfields Ltd and Director Marta Simonetti support governments, organisations and individuals in achieving transformational outcomes to bring about positive impacts in the way we tackle climate change and environmental degradation.
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